01-Creative Coding - Random dots
π Concept π
This page uses Random()
to try two different simple effects to show interactive and colorful images.
πThe first one is a random color, where various colored circles are randomly distributed.
πThe second one is a combination of random-sized circles and random colors, trying to make a three-dimensional painting, like walking on glass.
π Code & Comments π
//Set the position variable of the dot
var spot ={ //Set a class of variable name "spot"
x:50, // set variable "spot.x" equal to 0
y:100 // set variable "spot.y" equal to 0
//Set the color variable of the dot
var col={ //Set a class of the color variable of the dot name "col"
r:0, // set variable "col.r" equal to 0
g:0, // set variable "col.g" equal to 0
b:0 // set variable "col.b" equal to 0
function setup() { // runs once, at the start
createCanvas(600, 400); // creating a canvas
// 600 pixels wide &
// 400 pixels tall
//The background is run only once to reach the dot can be iterated
function draw() { // loops, after setup has run
// Make dots randomly generated in Canvas
// random color in RGB range
col.r=random(100,255); // The range of red random is 100-255
col.g=random(0,200); //Green random range is 0-200
col.b=random(0,255); //The range of blue random is 0-255
//---dots set up---
fill(col.r,col.g,col.b); //set dots color fill Red control by "col.r"
//green control by "col.g"
//blue control by "col.b"
// no outline
// The x position of the circle is controlled by spot.x and the y position is controlled by spot.y. The diameter of the circle is 20.
π Code & Comments π
var col={ //Set a class of the color variable of the dot name "col"
r:0, // set variable "col.r" equal to 0
g:0, // set variable "col.g" equal to 0
b:0 // set variable "col.b" equal to 0
var size = { // set a class of the size variable of the dots name "size"
X: 0, // set variable "size.X" equal to 0
Y: 0 // set variable "size.Y" equal to 0
function setup() { // runs once, at the start
createCanvas(750, 400); //// creating a canvas
// 750 pixels wide &
// 400 pixels tall
//The background is run only once to reach the dot can be iterated
background('BLACK'); // set background color to "BLACK"
function draw() { // loops, after setup has run
// random color in RGB range
col.r=random(100,255); // The range of red random is 100-255
col.g=random(0,200); //Green random range is 0-200
col.b=random(200,255); //The range of blue random is 200-255
size.X= random(5,20); // size.X has a value range of 5 to 20
size.Y= random(5,20); //Size.Y has a value range of 5 to 20
//--Dots set up--
// no outline
//The RGB color of the ellipse is controlled by col.r,col.g,col.b variables respectively
// Randomly generate different colors according to the movement of the mouse
// The x-axis and y-axis coordinates of the ellipse are controlled by the x-axis and y-axis of the mouse, respectively.
//The size is controlled by the random values of the variables size.X, size.Y.
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, size.X, size.Y);
//Set another ellipes, set transparency to 50
// mouseX+17: move along the mouse X axis while deviating by 17
//mouseY+20: move along the mouse Y-axis while deviating by 20
ellipse(mouseX+17, mouseY+20, size.X, size.Y);